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Here's What To Eat If You Are Suffering From Hypertension:

High tension is one of the most common diseases nowadays, with every fifth person suffering from it.

People suffering from hypertension must struggle too much in order to keep their blood pressure level. You must find natural methods to control your blood pressure.

You should first consult with your doctor before changing or replacing your medication.

These are some suggestions:

Lemon is the best drug for hypertension. It is known to make soft blood vessels soft and flexible, thus lowering blood pressure.

Lemon has a high level of Vitamin C, which reacts as an antioxidant, and stepping away from the body.

Watermelon Seeds:
The watermelon seeds contain a composition called cucurbocitri, which helps to expand blood capillaries.

At the same time, it also helps in improving the functioning of the kidneys. This helps reduce blood pressure and helps in arthritis.

Even if you cook or not gourd, it helps check the high blood pressure and at the same time lowers cholesterol levels.

Garlic helps to uncover blood vessels simulating the production of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulphide.

Banana is one of the foods that people with high blood pressure can regularly regain control of their joints, Banana is rich in potassium, which reduces the effect of sodium.

So, try eating one or two bananas a day. Bananas can also use these: dry apricots, dry raisins, orange juice, spinach, pumpkin, etc.

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