10 Simple Ways To Cure Hiccups Effectively:
Hiccups are a common condition for many people around the globe, however It does not cause any serious health problems.
But if it is repeated for a long duration it will cause the person to feel very tired and uncomfortable and also irrigating.
1. Throat Massage:
Just use a slow rolling ball from the jaw area to pull down the nasopharynx to cause vomiting reflexes, it will help to stop the hiccups quickly.
2. Peanut Butter:
People who are under repeating hiccup condition, they should eat peanut butter, which will stimulate the vagus nerve directly and help to stop the hiccups immediately.
3. Small Sips:
This method is very common and frequently used to stop the hiccups, Drinking water or rinsing the mouth can cause interruptions in the sciatic nerve. Drink water slowly by small sips and continuous can stop & cure the hiccup.
4. Breathing In Paper Bags:
When you breathe in a paper bag, it increases carbon dioxide in your blood and causes the body to lose the hiccup because it also has to focus on removing carbon dioxide from its accumulation.
5. Deep Breathing:
When we do deep breathing for long periods of time, it will stretch the diaphragm and prevent it from contracting.
Hiccups halt, when the contraction stops, the hiccups will automatically stop. Repeat this action a few times and the hiccups will go away.
6. Eating Sugar:
A survey says about 30% of hiccups stops when the person eats the sugar, this will help to reduce all hiccups quickly.
7. Earmuffs:
Just use your finger and seal your ears. Two fingers affect the nerves inside the ear so it also helps to remove hiccups effective.
8. Self-Fear:
It may sound weird, but a sudden fear will trigger the hysterical nerves, and will instantly stop all the hiccups.
9. Stiff Rock:
Stinging a stone on the mouth and rubbing on the face will calm the nerves causing hiccup. Cold sensation will stop you from hiccuping.
10. Coughing, belching, And Sneezing:
When we cough or sneeze, there will be a small pauseause in the hiccups, then the body responds, the diaphragm shrinks and results in the stoppage of hiccups.
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